Pattern #90
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Well-Utilized Life Energy
Credits: Nature-anselmus – Girl – Ditty_about_summer – Shutterstock / Musician-Wikimedia / Fema-Wikimedia
Pattern Heart
People’s passion and caring — purposes, visions, values, needs, willingness, interests, concerns, compassion — and the energetic patterns of all Life — are resources for self-organized effectiveness. But these things can also generate dissonance. So seek to nurture, call forth, liberate, and support intrinsic life energy in ways that help realize broad longterm benefits.
Some related patterns: 15 Connecting Nodes of Life Energy 18 Consulting and Abiding by Willingness 20 Cooperative Ownership as Stewardship 41 Groundedness 43 Healthy Competition/Cooperation Dynamics 81 Synergy Between Part and Whole 88 Using Diversity and Disturbance Creatively
Well-Utilized Life Energy – going deeper …
This is an edited version of the video on this page.
The first step of this is recognizing all the things that go into what I call life energy. In the human world we see things like purpose, vision, values, needs, interests, concerns, and compassion. One of the things that all these phenomena have in common is they are sources of energy, of motivation, of action. What causes somebody to behave in a particular way? Well, what’s their purpose, what are they trying to do, what’s their vision, what are they striving for? What are the values underlying their behavior? What do they think is good as opposed to bad? Values motivate people as they try to move towards the good and away from the bad. Needs, too, intrinsically drive them, as do interests which are like needs, but on more surface level.
In an interesting way “concerns” embrace all of these. When people have a concern they look at what’s going on or being proposed and say, “Whoa! Wait a minute!“ Now that “wait a minute!” comes from a sense that what’s going on is not congruent with their purpose, their vision, their values, their needs or interests. There is a very important way in which concerns is an entryway into all those things. (Note that “concerns” is the focus of one of the other patterns in this pattern language – All Concerns Addressed.
Compassion involves your feelings for others, your willingness to step into somebody else’s world and what they’re doing, striving for, wanting, and whatever kind of suffering they are going through which you want to help them out off.
Passion and caring involve a drive. They can refer to any kind of strong interest that has energy in it.
These phenomena are also more broadly characteristic of all life in different ways. You can find them in an organism – an animal or plant – perhaps a more basic, less explicit level than you find in humans. But there’s definitely a sense in which plants and animals have purpose: they are clearly striving for certain things, at the very least survival. They have a sense of what’s good and bad and what they need and all that. Anybody who has a pet or a garden can sense there are earlier developmental or evolutionary harmonics of these drives that exist in every living system, every living entity. Even a forest or an ocean has some early versions of some of these things in it.
Caring is closely related to compassion but it can also be caring what happens to our community and wanting to be engaged in making that better.
These are all energy, all sources of energy. The more alive you are, the more of those things are moving through your daily awareness and motivations. That’s why I call it life energy. It’s not a woo-woo concept. It is very, very close to our lived everyday experience. These things can be seen acting in people, and you can actually address them in very specific ways that release them or squelch them.
Video Introduction (24 min)
Examples and Resources
- Principled Negotiation Link-Wikipedia
- Mediation Link-Wikipedia
- Future Search Link
- Restorative Justice Link
- Nonviolent Communication
Link-CNVC Needs Inventory - Manfred Max-Neef
Link-Human needs and human scale development - Community visioning Link
- Open Space Link-CII
- World Cafe Link Link-CII
- Powerful questions Link
- Consensus Process Link-Wikipedia
- Dynamic Faclilitation CII-Link Link
- Bohm Dialogue Link-Wikipedia
- Byron Katie Link
- Shared purpose
Link-Nonprofit Quarterly
Link-Reinventing Organizations Wiki - Student-guided education Link
- Quality of Life Indicators Link
- Permaculture Link-Wikipedia
- State of Grace Documents
Link-Blueprint of We - PR/advertising/marketing (potentially dark side of this pattern)
Link-Academia-Manipulation of the Human Mind
Link-Top Documentary Films - Character Strengths – Positivity Project – Link
- Story Bridge Link
There are various approaches, formal approaches, for doing this:
Principled negotiation is an approach promoted by the people who wrote the book Getting to Yes. Thanks to them, many mediators now work to identify the legitimate interests of the parties involved in the negotiation or mediation. An interest is a source of life energy. Instead of the competing parties using their life energies against each other to see who can win the battle, they clarify the legitimate interests of everyone involved – what each paty really deserves to get satisfied – and then they all work together to satisfy everyone’s legitimate interests. In the spirit of “let’s find a path together” they become collaborators meeting all their needs and satisfying all their interests.
The questions for exploring each pattern are my favorite part of each page and I love the questions here. This one is particularly alive for me: What do I really want out of life and how will I channel my passion for it? Also, absolutely love the overarching question for this caring category: How can we care in big and full enough ways? What an amazingly powerful inquiry!
One can only wonder what would happen if a few dozen people delved into these questions in Circle or World Cafe for hours at a time, with breaks for meditation, dreaming, or walking in nature….
This speaks to me of listening deeply for the deep wisdom that may lie beneath what looks like unwise or unskilful actions…
That’s a VERY important application of this pattern, Lorna! And it includes noticing our impulse to turn away from what we see as “bad”, and the deep needs, concerns, caring that motivate that impulse. Nonviolent Communication, in particular – including an empathy practice that includes self-empathy – is a very potent approach to this. The idea of “life energy” is a thread that underlies many patterns in this pattern language, although it is perhaps best articulated in this one. Seeing all its manifestations as variations of the same thing can be very clarifying in many situations.