Newsletters and Blog

You can read old wise democracy newsletters here.  

You can find links to Co-Intelligence Institute and Tom Atlee newsletters and blogs in the footer below.



May 2019

Newsletter-Link – Announcement of the new version 2.0 of the Wise Democracy Pattern Language website and soon-to-be-released printed and boxed card deck. Also a new WDPL video on the home page and an essay about how questions lie at the core of this pattern language, as well as emerging themes in version 2.0 and a reminder of the basics.

February 2019

Newsletter-Link – Announcement of Mar 5 video call with Tom Atlee re the new version 2.0 of the Wise Democracy Pattern Language and exploring how it could be used as a lens to think about climate change.  The newsletter includes a list of all the patterns in the new pattern language.  (Tom Atlee’s blog has the same content.)

December 8, 2018

Newsletter-Link – Announcement of Dec 19 video call with Tom Atlee re Wholeness + Notes from (and link to) the Nov 14 video call with Tom Atlee re How to Use the Wise Democracy Pattern Language

November 2, 2018

Newsletter-Link – Announcement of November 14 video call with Tom Atlee about How to Use the Wise Democracy Pattern Language

October 24, 2018

Newsletter-Link – Reader survey results; New projects and activities based on the survey results; Key questions associated with each WD pattern; Website news including new resources, new patterns, and a page mapping patterns to methods and approaches.

September 30, 2017

Newsletter-Link – Announces the October webinar – a “deep dive” into wise democracy’s prime directive; new pattern card exercise guidelines; WD-PL website tour video; WD-PL activists think patterns with climate conference organizers.

August 29, 2017

Newsletter-Link – Announces two free September events – the “Open House” Tour of the Wise Democracy Pattern Language Website and the Wise Democracy Pattern Language Community of Practice “Deep Dive” into the “Using Diversity and Disturbance” pattern.

August 1, 2017

Newsletter-Link – Applying the WD-PL for Global Impact (August online event announcement), Exciting new developments on the Wise Democracy website (Tom Atlee), Exploring a participatory project through the lens of the WD-PL (Andy Paice)

June 23, 2017

Newsletter-Link – July Wise Democracy Online Dialogue (event announcement), Free Open House Tour of the WD website (event announcement), WD-PL community of practice: the story so far (Andy Paice), A deep discovery about two really basic related patterns (Tom Atlee)

May 28, 2017

Newsletter-Link – Two June Wise Democracy Events (event announcements)

April 27, 2017

Newsletter-Link– May 16 online dialogue announcement, Exploring the Wise Democracy Pattern Language (Andy Paice), Story Sharing pattern discussion

March 31, 2017

Newsletter-Link – April 5 online event announcement, Site News and Notes, Well-Utilized Life Energy pattern exploration, Roles in and for Wise Democracy (Tom Atlee)