Pattern #22
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Enough Time
Life can be too fast and crowded for wholesome insights and changes to develop, or for sensible preparation and follow-up. So provide enough reasonably paced time for study, leisure, listening, reflection, nonlinear emergence, and exercising multiple intelligences—in personal life, in group process, and throughout a wisdom-generating culture.
Related: 17 Deep Time Stewardship, 34 Life Enhancing Enoughness, 38 Multi-Modal Power, 45 Powerful Questions, 49 Quality of Life Indicators, 62 Universal Intelligence, 66 Well-Utilized Life Energy
Going deeper …
This is an edited version of the video on this page.
Many Western cultures have very fast-paced, linear kinds of schedules. People complain, “I don’t have time for that.” I’ve often thought that if we carefully explored where the sense “not enough time” comes from, we would end up looking at most of the dysfunctional factors involved in the way our civilization is put together. The fact that we don’t have enough time to reflect on the fact that we don’t have enough time is a pretty interesting feedback loop, a pretty interesting trap we can’t get out of because we can’t think and act out of the “too-fast” box.
Now, we are seeking wisdom in our wise democracy and looking for wholesome insights and changes. This is really hard if life is moving too fast and our schedules are too crowded for us to be able to stop and take a break, a time out, and be in a state of consciousness where things can emerge. Leisure isn’t just goofing off. And sleep is not just a way to stop being sleepy. These nonlinear times allow space for things to bubble up.
A lot of great discoveries and realizations have come after times you do your intense work, and then you create space-time and go for a walk or take a nap. Suddenly – bingo! – things show up. A lot of the patterns in this pattern language came to me like that. I have been working with these kinds of things most of my life, but never got around to making a pattern language out of what I know. Then one morning in a few hours a whole pile of these patterns just flooded out. It was not a laborious process. It was a bubbling up: bubble bubble bubble, in real flood …
“Enough time” involves both the quantity of time and the quality of time, including the pacing of time. Wisdom, rather than just smartness, requires having reasonably paced time. And if you’re dealing with a public issue, you want to have time to study and reflect. You want to have enough time to at least get the major dynamics understood. The more time you have available, the more you can delve into it. There are limits, of course, because of the dynamic that people will tend to fill whatever time you give them. So if you give a Citizen Deliberative Council two years, they will study their issue for two years. If you give them a week, they will study it for a week. The difference between those might not be as great as you would expect. Sometimes, depending on the quality of the study and what is actually being studied and how, you can end up just getting buried in greater and greater complexity and more and more confused.
So it’s not simply time. You need to provide enough time. I’ve seen conveners of citizen deliberations say “we’re going to solve the difficulty over Social Security, and we’re going to involve 3000 people, and we are going to do it in an afternoon.” To which I say, “No, you aren’t!” There is no way to have the adequate time to study the real complexity of Social Security in that kind of time, especially with that many people. So the wise democracy perspective involves asking, “Do we have enough time?“ just like it involves the question “Do we have the people we need to talk about this?”
Video Introduction (10 min)
- Periods of silence
Link-Groupworks - Open Space Technology
CII-Link - Multi-day events (with sleep-overs)
Link-Newmediaexplorer - Pauses before responding (incl bells)
- Enough Time needs to be added to all deliberative processes.
Periods of silence and Open Space Technology, especially multi-day Open Space events, support the “enough time” pattern. In my experience, multi-day Open-Space Technology uses time very powerfully. I think it is significant that sleepovers had a major impact on what happened at the end of the most remarkable 5 day Open Space I ever participated in.
Pause before responding: I learned something interesting about this from my Finnish housemate. She found communication in the United States difficult because people talk really quickly. Someone immediately dives in as soon as someone else finishes speaking. I’m not that sensitive but I have trouble with people who don’t even wait for somebody to finish. But in New York culture and Jewish culture and in Italian culture it is often considered fine for people to talk over each other all the time. If you wish to create pauses, there are ways to enforce them with dialogue agreements, bells, talking sticks, etc. Although I don’t know any research on this, however, there may be some people who require the ability to talk over other people in order to think straight. It may totally strain them if we restrict their ability to do that. I wonder about this, since I know I have trouble walking slowly and am naturally very fast. So that could be researched.
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