Pattern #60
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Out of Many, One
Credits: We the People-Robert F. Balazik – VBrain-VLADGRIN – Shutterstock / Group by Courtesy of The Office for Future Related Issues in Vorarlberg Austria
Pattern Heart
Properly respected, engaged and interacting, the diverse many together become a resource for deeper, broader, wiser insight, action and identity as their whole group, community, network, people, humanity. So nurture collective “we the people” consciousness and agency rooted in diversity and learning, not conformity and authority.
Some related patterns: 28 Equity 38 Generating Shared Orientation
39 Generative Interactions 41 Groundedness 52 Microcosms and Populations 58 Nurturing Social Capital 69 Quality of Life Indicators
Out of Many, One – going deeper …
This is an edited version of the video on this page.
“Out of many, one” is America’s national motto which you can find on American money. I only know about it because it is printed on US dollar bills.
Since we are talking about wise democracy, we do want a “we the people” consciousness. We do want a sense that we have a common nature, direction, purpose, and values. But we want that rooted in our diversity and learning. We are many and that “many” is valuable. Using that diversity – that “manyness” – we can learn new things and generate smarter ways to do things. We don’t want a oneness that is conformity or just following authority. That’s not what democracy is about. A particularly wise democracy doesn’t waste the diversity and its potential. If we make things uniform, we waste the diversity that is there. But diversity can waste itself just by fighting amongst itself.
So wise democracy is looking at how we can get a “we the people” consciousness that comes from deepening into greater insight, greater relationship, greater possibilities together. Properly respected, respecting the “other” all the time, properly engaging and interacting, the diverse many become a resource for deeper, broader – wiser – insight and action because everybody’s got a different piece of the puzzle, a different perspective, a different contribution, different resources that they could put into acting together. Somebody has this skill or that skill, and you put the skills together in the right way and you end up being able to get good products and outcomes.
So this is a general stance, it is related to many other of these principles and these patterns. But that framing – “Out of many, one” is very useful and handy thing to carry this idea.
Video Introduction (6 min)
Examples and Resources
- Dynamic Facilitation
Link-CII - Thirty Five
Link - Consensus
Link - CoDigital
Link - Insights
Link - Synanim
Link-NCDD - Circle Forward’s Consent approach – Link
- Story Bridge Link
Human brain cells have a networked nature to them, but out of their networked functioning comes our particular kind of consciousness. They are many and they’re all doing their own thing and they’re doing it in ways that are not all the same: There are diverse brain cells and diverse parts of the brain. There is a sense in which “E pluribus unum” is manifested in our brains in a way that has a collective intelligence sort of connotation. There is a collective intelligence going on inside our heads all the time.
Dynamic Facilitation is particularly good at generating “out of many, one” dynamics in a group.
Two processes – 35 and CoDigital – are prioritization systems. The first is face-to-face and the other is online. Both use our collective diversity to come up with a shared list of prioritized items. Both involve evaluating match pairs of items and deciding which is more important or better than the other – and doing that over and over with different pairs. They can be used to prioritize whatever kind of thing we are working on.
I’m reflecting on this pattern once again 3 and a half years later. I still agree with my 2019 self however I feel we need to think about this pattern with more nuance. Basically it seems “Out of Many, One” is more process than destination and an added dose of humility is required in that the One or the We the People can never really be definitive. The One or the We the People voice can only ever be reached by processes which themselves can never be perfect. Whatever process or combination of processes are used (dynamic facilitation, Polis, community conversations) they will always be open to critique at some level. The one voice must be arrived at through the interplay of a diversity of voices but there will always be perspectives that were not included. There’s always “more to it than that” as Tom says.
So I’m inclined to think of the We the People as a milestone on a never ending iterative journey. A unanimous voice of sorts gets formed and then time, scrutiny, unheard voices will question that unanimity and a more complex iteration must then take place.
Although I’m not American I imagine the “We the People” of the United States constitution in 1776 would not be seen to be an adequate representation of what a “We the People” would be today.
I guess the moral of all this for me is humility. Whatever we see as the One is not the One, the voice of the people or the community is not the voice of the community – it’s always an approximation but there’s value in that! It’s a good start!
I decided to choose a pattern randomly this time, one that somehow resonated rather than follow the related patterns as I was doing for the last number of patterns.
So what first came to my mind when I read this pattern was completely different than what was discussed. I immediately thought of nature and how all of nature in it’s amazing diversity arises out of a deeper consciousness or a unified field of consciousness. So when I listened to the discussion and read the comments it was such an example of what was said.
Here I was thinking something completely different from what was intended by the pattern and yet I would content was underlying the view or supposition of the pattern.
Thanks, Susan – both for your original take on this pattern and for exploring further into what I originally designed it for. I LOVE the additional, expanded meaning you have brought to it. At a deep philosophical/spiritual level, we could perhaps also add, as a complement, a pattern “Out of One, Many”. The two constitute a kind of a yin-yang! 🙂
Hi, Andy. You are spot on with your comments.
This card is (for me) innately connected to a few others: diversity; universal intelligence; universal participation; whole system in the conversation…and, I suspect Tom can add some additional cards.
Does anyone know the Latin for, ‘to the one, from the many’?
E Pluribus Unum, Out of Many, One – this has to be the motto for the remainder of the 21st century if there is to be a future at all. It’s what we have to cultivate and it needs to be understood not merely as an impossible dream but that we can generate this sense of “We the People” and that we have tools and resources (such as those on this page) to do just that.
This pattern for me is the promise of Wise Democracy and one of its central pillars.
Definitely one of its central pillars, answering the question “Who is it who is being wise?” But we need to be mindful that groupthink and mob rule can also manifest in this, a tendency countered by shunning conformity and “Using Diversity and Disturbance Creatively”.