Pattern #6
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Credit: Matej Kastelic – Shutterstock
Pattern Heart
We need the ability to tolerate disturbance and abide in an unsettled state. Complexity, uncertainty, mystery, paradox, conflict, crisis and diversity can all generate such unsettledness — yet all can also bring wisdom because they open us to fuller reality. So learn to co-exist comfortably or at least patiently with them so they can give their gifts in due time.
Some related patterns: 29 Expanding Situational Curiosity
41 Groundedness 44 Healthy Polarity Dynamics 56 Multiple Perspective View 70 Range of Tolerance 84 Tackling Cognitive Limitations
96 Working With Feelings
Capacitance – going deeper …
This is an edited version of the video on this page.
Capacitance is a term I picked up from a psychiatrist in Seattle, Charles Johnson. Capacitance is the ability to hold dissonance, the ability to contain difficult things, the ability to tolerate things that are uncomfortable without trying to get rid of them, without trying to deny them or resolve them, to just be there with them.
One of the things we have difficulty just being there with is complexity. It’s like too much, too complex, we can’t look at it anymore. We think we need to simplify it in order to hold it. Somebody who has a high level of capacitance doesn’t need to oversimplify something even when they come to conclusions about it or simplify parts of it. When they do that, they do it knowing that the situation is more complex than they’re seeing or saying. There’s always “more to it than that!”
So they hold their models lightly and acknowledge that complexity is virtually infinite. They will sit with the fact that that’s true and work humbly with whatever pieces of the complexity they need to work with while admitting that there’s a dense fabric of interconnectedness, elements and causes or whatever involved in this situation. And they are going to work within that knowledge.
Uncertainty is very similar. We can’t tell what’s going to happen for sure. Rather than acting as if things are certain, that they are stable and we know what’s going on, we acknowledge that we know things conditionally and temporarily. There are also a lot of uncertainties that bridge over into Mystery, into what can’t be known. There are some essential qualities to the way life and reality are put together which do not lend themselves to getting nailed down solidly. It doesn’t mean we can’t function as if we know certain things. You can pick up the spoon and be sure it’s going to your mouth 99.999% of the time; but 0.001% of the time it won’t, and knowing that can be very disturbing. Most things are much less certain than the ability to get your spoon from the plate to your mouth.
So having a collegial friendly relationship with uncertainty and recognizing that certainty is an emotion. Unfortunately, certainty is not necessarily tied to the factual truth of whatever you are certain of. You can be very certain of something that is totally false. So you need to maintain a sense of humble conditionality, an ability to be certain of some things conditionally and ready to shift if you get a good reason to do so.
Video Introduction (21 min)
After reading the 50-word pattern heart Tom Atlee elaborates on the pattern.
Examples and Resources
- Facing complexity means befriending uncertainty and ambiguity – Link
- Patience, waiting
Link-Harvard Magazine - Meditation and prayer
Link-USA-Today - Tapping (for anxiety) Link
- Sharing feelings Link-Fathersforum
- Buddhism, dealing with uncertainity, acceptance, non-attachment, trust, Serenity Prayer
- Science-based evolutionary perspective
Link-Integral Leadership Review - Intuition
- Taoism
Link-Wikipedia - Dynamic Facilitation
- Intuitive practices (dreaming, tarot and other oracles, automatic writing, poetry and art, etc.)
Link-Conscious Lifestyle Mag
Link-Eugene Medium
Link-Tarot Poetry - Systems thinking Link-Leadership-for-Change
- Chaos and complexity sciences Link-Margaret Wheatley
- Computer modeling
Link-Muse Jhu - The cosmic perspective Link-Natural History Mag
- Focus on personal/local scales within larger fields of information and scales of perspective
Link-Fast Company
Link-Goodreads - Mutual aid
- Support groups
Link-Psych Central - Facilitation Link-Mindtools
- Polarity Management Link
Cultural Maturity: A Snapshot Link
- The Third Side Link
- Emotional/Empathic capacitance Scared Sacred film-Link
- Constellations work – Link Link (video)
- Social Presence Theater – Link (videos)
- Warm Data Lab – Link
- Permaculture Pattern Language pp. 81-84
- A.K. Rice Institute
- On Humility
- The Radical Implications of Staying within Capacity Link
There are some methods that will support us in this, most of which involve personal practices and consciousness. But many involve group activities that support that expanding capacity.
I find it interesting that Tom referenced the Pattern, Dancing Among Clarity: Inquire, Mystery … and yet it isn’t mentioned in the related patterns. I will read that pattern this week, along with Multiple Perspectives Views. This is such fun following the thread.
The fact is, Susan, that nearly every pattern has at least 3-5 times as many related patterns as listed. The principle of 7 related patterns we picked up from the group process pattern language. It’s a constraint that comes from trying to put information on medium-small cards, rather than just the [endlessly expandable] website. It is TOTALLY debatable which related patterns should be featured…. I encourage that adventure!
As a group facilitator, I know I sometimes lean toward what’s known and can be resolved. This pattern is a welcome invitation to lean toward complexity and paradox. A reminder of the power in encouraging groups to embrace the unknown (and potentially un-knowable). To sit with complexity, but not to ignore it or wish it away. Not every meeting needs to end with all loose ends tied neatly.
Spot-on, James. And it’s not that the unknown is better than the known, but that adaptation to changing conditions usually requires us to let go of our certainties and our habits enough to explore into what’s less certain and solid so new understandings and responses can emerge. So a facilitator needs to be able to discern the situational needs of the group or organization (and/or the society within which it is functioning!) and help the situation accordingly. The Dancing Among Clarity, Inquiry, Mystery… pattern comes to mind, as we’re juggling these various factors we’re “holding” with our capacitance…
I selected capacitance because of the uniqueness of the word. I have never heard it before. I really enjoy the description of its meaning: complexity, uniqueness, mystery, sitting with the existential uncertainty of life, etc. I appreciate and honour the comments shared by Elise, Tom and Susan. I struggle to understand its full meaning. I looked up capacitance in Webster and Cambridge dictionaries and found these definitions. Any thoughts from anyone on how they fit with the pattern language description? Is the concept of storage? Tom, you said you picked up the term from a psychiatrist. I would like to know more about how it moved from electricity to psychiatry. My apologies if you discuss in the video since I have not watched it.
The property of an electric nonconductor that permits the storage of energy as a result of the separation of charge that occurs when opposite surfaces of the nonconductor are maintained at a difference of potential
A part of a circuit or network that possesses capacitance
The ability of an object or material to store electricity
The psychiatrist I received this concept and word from is Charlie Johnston I have adapted a facet of his concept into the particular meaning I’ve given it here. For his original meaning see here; I’m afraid you’ll need to understand more of his whole worldview to make sufficient sense of it.
As far as the physical engineering sense of the word, I have adapted the dynamic tension involved in “storing electricity” – which is inherently a flow between opposite charges but is being “held” in dynamic tension in electrical storage systems – into a psychic/emotional/intellectual “holding” of unstable, incompatible, unresolved ideas, energies, and realities in a suspended state without (prematurely or necessarily) resolving their tension, perhaps like stored electricity, to tap their latent resources over time later.
Does that make sense to you?
Thanks, Tom. Your answer makes sense to be. I like your explanation. It fits with what I am thinking of the “dynamic tension” of storage.
So my reason for choosing this was I was following the thread of related patterns and this was the next thread. As it turns out it was very prescient since last night my mother-in-law passed after a long journey not only of life but letting go of life. We have known her time could be coming so it is a relief and yet bitter sweet knowing she is gone. One piece of this experience is she was the last of a generation/ lineage where we are left to fill. The unwinding continues as we decide what things we would like to keep and what to shed or give away, much like the skin of a snake I suppose. And so I come to this pattern with a much more personal perspective.
Capacitance is the ability to hold or be with complexity or a mystery. Death being such a mystery, where do we go from here? The mystery of life and death requires such a capacity for holding a bigger picture. I have discovered having been a witness to both her death and my mother’s death recently that there is so much that rests behind the veil of death. Because I had a coach during my mother’s passing, who has an amazing understanding and experience with helping people through this transition I was able to learn much from this mystery.
There are so many veils to uncover in this process.There are so many layers and interpretations to peel away. It is all about letting go, as is life. So I feel it is no accident that I came to this pattern at this time.
Wow. Thank you for your very personal, poignant enhancement of this pattern’s meaning and application. Death is such a profound part of life to hold and, with all its potential lessons and awakenings, makes me think of the “Dancing Among Clarity, Inquiry, Mystery…” pattern, as well…
This one intrigues me because I think of it more as a personality trait or strength – a kind of natural curiosity about the “what else might be going on there” that comes easily to some and that others find offensive. I greatly appreciate the work of groups like Civic Dinners, the People’s Supper, Kialo, and others to bring a “both this AND that” awareness to those willing to go there.
I’m saddened to see more people reacting to this curiosity like it’s a character flaw. And for the purposes of working with the real communities we find ourselves in, perhaps they have a point?
For example, here in Portland where we have frequent clashes between political extremists, both sides are aghast if you don’t instantly label the other and work to ban them from society. Raising the questions – “are they really Nazis?” or “are they really anarchist terrorists?” and “what is it that they experience and fear that’s driving them to act this way?” – can quickly leave you ostracized.
I would originally assume that capacitance, as it’s described here, would be an ideal quality for the facilitators in a wise democracy. That said, I know I personally am very comfortable with complexity, which often means I have no empathy nor tolerance for those who cling to single-sided intolerance. Could that disdain for the simplistic, outraged viewpoint make me unfit to successfully engage in an inclusive democratic process with the many people who believe outrage is just dandy?
I totally understand your assumption that Capacitance is a personal trait. But it can be more, much more. Not only can context, system, culture, facilitation, etc., increase (or decrease) individuals’ capacitance, the collective capacitance of a group or community or society as a whole can be enhanced or degraded in those and other ways. I see this particularly in processes like Dynamic Facilitation (whose power largely derives from its manifestation of the Feeling Heard pattern!!); I’ve logged it for adding to the Resources for this pattern. The pattern is here largely because capacitance needs to manifest at collective levels pretty soon or we’re outa here….