Pattern #21
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Creative Experimentation
Creative Experimentation
Credit: Tom Atlee and Martin Rausch
Pattern Heart
Existing evidence is necessary but insufficient to enable appropriate evolution in changing contexts. Thoughtful trial and error within
a reasonable range of tolerance for risk is vital for wise development. So promote imagination and prototyping of possibilities wherever need, reason and aspiration suggest it might be productive — and then review and spread the results.
Creative Experimentation – going deeper …
This is an edited version of the video on this page.
We may ask “What does this pattern have to do with wisdom, particularly?”
Well, our culture – particularly American culture – glorifies innovation. 80 or 90% of that has an assertive “forge ahead!” energy. Only 10 or 20% has a “Let’s be careful of what we do here!” energy. And innovation is often framed within the context of investment and profit.
With this pattern we’re reframing the whole field of novel approaches. We’re taking that whole world of discovering new things and putting it in the context of being thoughtful and prudent in complex and changing circumstances. We value innovation but we want it to serve the long-term well-being of the whole. We’re back to our definition of wisdom and the prime directive, so this is important. This focuses our attention on how do we have a society that does this, that takes unknowns and risks seriously. Because that’s the world we’re living in right now.
Just driving ahead no matter what, is not smart. In circumstances where there’s lots of complexity and things are changing a lot of the time, you don’t know what’s gonna work. You don’t know what can have negative impacts. You can think about it – and that’s good – but let’s be careful. This is where the pattern talks about prototyping: promote imagination and prototyping of possibilities. So let’s see what could happen, what might we try, what would happen if we tried it…. Let’s do a “next step” test. Let’s do it in cautious ways.
We’re not going to block innovation, but we want to have it done thoughtfully. We’re gonna be doing experimenting not just with high-tech kinds of stuff but with new forms of governance and new processes, new ways of educating, new healthcare, whatever – all the different domains of society. Ideally we would be thinking about how can we do all of them better.
So there’s an even stronger innovation push in the non-technology domain. It’s like let’s try this and see what happens and modify it, feel our way. I’d have that be a quality of how we live our lives and how set things up and how we run things.
In the pattern heart it talks about “existing evidence” and how it is necessary but insufficient. That is an interesting insight. You want evidence-based activities but you realize that the system is complex and changing, and whatever evidence you have is very conditional. You cannot not reify it and nail it down. Your impulsive sense that evidence is Truth can be dangerous because we are in a dance with changing contexts and we need to always find out more.
Video Introduction (6 min)
Examples and Resources
- Sensemaking improvisation
- Prototyping as experiment
- The importance of prototyping
- Theory U – Presencing Link / Wikipedia Link / Summary interpretations here and here
- Complexity and Community Change
- Example of a social innovation experiment
- Improvisational Prototyping exercise
- Prototyping (tech based but adaptable)
- Most Public Engagement is worse than worthless
- Cynefin Framework
Link-Atlee essay
Link-Wikpedia - Change Here Now – a permaculture pattern language
pp. 43-46, 60-67 - Risk Management – Link-Wikipedia
- On Humility
Iteration is an obvious related pattern that isn’t listed!
Thinking of creative experimentation means for me trying out without time pressure. In real life – in the business – the time is the most enemy of the thoughtful trial and error within a reasonable range of tolerance. I could observe in my business life that there is a dependency between ‘the reasonable range of tolerance’ and time. Most people look first at the time and then the definition for ‘the reasonable range of tolerance’. Looking at this card, people should define more general what is a reasonable range of tolerance relating to their general working items and which range(s) should be allowed for their creative experimentation. Furthermore, the thoughtful trial and error process should be once defined and regularly reviewed and updated.
Yes to all of that! And sometimes having a subgroup do the experiment can help the larger group get on with other things without having to spend so much time on the experiment. Again, having an organizational or communal culture of collective learning, innovation, and/or resilience helps set the stage for everyone being willing to take time for experimentation and reflection. A focus only on current productivity works fine until conditions change, and then it can be too late.
Hi Tom, I like your last sentence. That is the secret of having successful. It means we need to have time not only to focus on things that are currently in the productive environment, but we need to have time to focus on things/ideas that are at this specific moment just tiny seeds that can be plant somewhen in the future.